Construction of the Arcade Machine

Who doesn't want to play Pacman and Galaga?


Construction of the Arcade Machine
Who doesn't want to play Pacman and Galaga?
arcadepacmandiymakerraspberry piemulatorsgalagaelectronics

I've wanted to build an arcade machine for a long time. I used to go to an arcade in my mall where I grew up until it closed. Then as an adult, the only arcades worth going to were the nickel arcades in order to save your wallet. So I decided to build my own arcade machine using a Raspberry Pi. I did this project back in 2017 when my wife and kids were out of town. I don't have many pictures, but I do have a great time-lapse of my friend and I building it.

Next up for the machine, if I can get around to it, is to make it a bit more secure and steady, paint it, and get some decals printed for it.