electronics (3)
Who doesn't want to play Pacman and Galaga?
I've wanted to build an arcade machine for a long time. I used to go to an arcade in my mall where I grew up until it closed. Then as an adult, the only arcades worth going to were the nickel arcade... Keep Reading
#arcade#pacman#diy#maker#raspberry pi#emulators#galaga#electronics![](https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/e86025392dc055e9bdd94adaff75152e91920092/830f7/blog/dreamcast-tablet/tablet.jpg)
Tablets before they were cool
While home on break from college, I decided that I was going to do another electronics project. I started looking around to see what others had done recently and noticed that everyone was making por... Keep Reading
#sega dreamcast#portable#electronics![](https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/238f2f5d017907a5885ff4f1e4cdc46ac412ca00/dc670/blog/dreamcast-portable/portable-dreamcast.jpg)
What's better than taking your Dreamcast on the go?
In high school, I found a website that really piqued my interest, benheck.com. Ben Heck is a hardware hacker who has done many projects involving video game consoles. I had been interested in moddin... Keep Reading
#sega dreamcast#portable#electronics