My Website
This website is first and foremost a place for me to write about all the various things I work on and think about. I started blogging about technical projects back in 2009 at modsbywerd.blogspot.com. I had worked on some portable Sega Dreamcast projects (Portable, Tablet), and needed a place to post pictures and details about the builds. Though I haven't blogged on that website for a long time, it is still out there for the world to see.
In college, I decided to get back into blogging about technical things I was working on and ended up starting a blog using ghost
. After writing a couple of posts I decided it wasn't working well for me so I exported all 3 of my posts in favor of using jekyll.
I really liked Jekyll but I'm not much of a Ruby person, and I found that liquid, Jekyll’s templating language, was fairly limited, and was difficult to find good information on. So I went in search of something else and landed on Gatsby.
Blog Posts - (6)

Gatsby turned out to be too much. But React makes it easy to create your own static site generator.
A while back I rewrote my website using Gatsby which resulted in having to put the website content in the same GIT repository as the Gatsby code. Thus I had to be on a laptop to both write and publi... Keep Reading
A build time draft state solution for markdown in gatsby.
After completing the rewrite of my personal website using gatsby, I started migrating all my content from my old website to this one. In the process, I remembered that Jekyll had a way of indicatin... Keep Reading
Setting up a custom variable on your posts that makes it really easy to aggregate posts on a page
Jekyll makes it super easy to create pages and posts and then loop over them to render lists of them. There are a few commands that you can utilize in Liquid to narrow down that list for only render... Keep Reading
Need to assign a new variable with a subset of an array. Insert slicing.
While liquid has a way to ensure that a for loop will exit once it hits a certain iteration. You may need to slice an array of items outside of a for loop. After some time on Google, I couldn't find... Keep Reading
Doing what an engineer does best, rewriting.
My personal website originally started as a blog built with ghost, the blogging platform. It was simple, easy to use, and had a web-based authoring experience. But I began to feel its limitations in... Keep Reading
Most things I've designed looked like I was an engineer. But over time things have improved!
In the last few months, I have spent some time off and on redesigning my website. It originally started as an exercise to practice doing some design work in Figma, and it quickly turned into a full-... Keep Reading